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tv   The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton  FOX News  September 11, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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faces, the consequences are for keeps. keep your chin up as dark as the days may be, november is coming, get organized. get out and vote, get everyone you know to vote as well, i'll see you next time on "life, liberty and levin >> you into the shame she was telling me to have you making it worse off is see you you
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i tear up when i see our anthem and our flag. i'm not a monarchist and never have bern, but i found myself deeply affected by the queen's death. i caught a glimpse of her when she visited my home in sussex and when we were given the day off school to go see the queen. and when she came to lunch at the home of the prime minister. but like so many people across the world. i was deeply moved by everything she did. i thought i knew her. the new prime minister liz truss put it well when she says queen elizabeth is the rock upon which modern britain was built.
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even if like me you don't support the monarchy, you can understand that and you could not be failed to be moved by everything she did and said. >> shall be devoted to your service and our great family to which we all belong. >> she did derot devote her whole love to serving public. britain and com commonwealth. the lesson an individual could make such a difference with her human qualities, she was -- she had a common touch. she always treated everyone the same.
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with grace and decency. she was the embodiment of everything that britain wants to be and would like to see herself. he was the embodiment of dignity and service before self equalities we see slipping away in our world of me, she was the most famous woman in the world. she took on a relentless punishing unimaginable dedication. that is how we want to she was raised she put it brilliantly we are the royal family. we are never tired. queen elizabeth took that to heart sme people in britain have been saying. she was there for us and she never let us down she never
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allowed herself to get involved in controversy or in politics that is why she was such a powerful force for unity and continuity. even in her final days, there she was doing her duty , getting on with the job and fighting the new prime minister and foreign government that picture captures so much about the dedication and the tirelessness and always with that wonderful smile. she had an informal motto that guided everything she did and never complained how great would it be that some of our leading public fee on —- figures today would be like that? queen elizabeth reflected britain to the world and the best back to itself she was a living version of the wartime
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phrase that became so famous keep calm and carry on. that's what she did to the end and i would like to play something for you much to my surprise choked me up when i first saw it be perhaps because and i was a kid my favorite books were paddington bear stories and then i would sign out the next one. >> perhaps you would like a marmalade sandwich? i always keep one for emergencies. >> so do i. >> i keep mine in here. for later. >> thank you for everything.
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steve: thank you for everything. we are joined now by our friend tammy bruce and your thoughts on the last few days as we remember 9/11? >> i remember when paddington segment aired and it surprised everyone it all makes me want to cry because unlike you i am a monarchist. [laughter] you are an american citizen now that americans kind of our and here is why she was so loved and that's why people are reacting as strongly as they are. she represents historically within her life, a tradition and a set of values that americans, the british and europeans and every living human being wants regardless from where you come from and what you stand from and even what your culture is. it's about dignity and duty and our legacy and respect and respect for family and country.
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this is the importance of what the british monarchy at one —- has grown and changed quite is valuable. you say you're not a monarchist but your description of why she is so loved highlights why it is important to have individuals with their british royal family with all of the problems that she has lived through and can bring the family and her country ranging from world war ii participating in that as a mechanic and through the multitude of american presidents the korean war, vietnam war, the nature of the sixties of course the death of diana. the problems she's facing with her family and the new media of course was their friend allowing the british people to get to know them better of course there were problems in
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major mistakes and so for the british people so why western civilization has endured for so long and what we can all aspire to be but especially women. we can have power and grace and dignity and a family and know how to handle power and the respective everyone that has encountered you but yet you can still be in charge of your life. and as a macro version it is so injured on —- endearing and inspiring and that monarchy remains important and we know about charles but she started
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as a regular girl, not meant for the crown raise like her sister the spare and the next thing you know they were ready for it. it was magnificent. and we expect the line to go through george but things can change in that entire family is ready for whatever is headed for and we pray for them and wish them luck. steve: i appreciate that. thank you for that and also what we remember from what the queen represented in great britain we also have a lot of unity in this country around 9/11 21 years ago. it would be nice to get some of that back but we will see. thank you and we will see later. when we come bac
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largest corporate donor.
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steve: as you can see back to normal the midterms are coming and until recently you may have thought it would be issues like inflation and energy bill that that changed on thursday the first of september with the rent. now i am guessing that hacks and swap creatures put that in their mouth trying to be clever to defect from the failures and incompetence and caused by reckless spending and economic mix management the work crisis despite a low unemployment rate for labor participation outside the pandemic shutdown. for 45 years. and with the proclaim agenda. but actually biden and his goons are the self-destructive thing possible he is now a mediocre put machine politician with any type of
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leadership or statesmanship and corrupt partisan hack that just does what he is told by his handlers and activist but as usual once they create a crisis they are not making it worse but biden. >> democracy. and then to encourage them to keep going.
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>> they will not let up and should not any own party speaker the house. at understand whether or not uprisings. >> and enemy of democracy but in fact the house democratic caucus is riddled with them pushing political violence. >> there needs to be put in that cabinet the restaurant. had a gasoline station. [applause] >> biden who says who is a threat to democracy and failing to condemn violence which would include joe biden
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who hasn't condemned one —- still hasn't condemned the violence of summer 2020 the brutal murder of the investigative journalist who else is a threat to democracy? according to biden to his knowledge the election has been one so the person he was desperate to make as vice president still hasn't said the georgia election was going on in i guess we should call them semi- fascist to insist upon changing the way and that the absentee ballots with the totally corrupt banana republic atrocity. and how about disgraced or the
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democrats flagship legislation that is almost entirely about the changing of the rules and with the democrats favor. anything you do to try to stop it even if it's undemocratic is protecting democracy. it's not just biden that the hypocrite the sanctimonious january 6 showboat jamie raskin. >> they don't accept the results of the elections i don't go there way and that is why president biden was right to sound the alarm this week about this continuing it attacks on the constitutional order. >> i believe he knows he is an illegitimate president he is
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an illegitimate recess. so he knows he is an illegitimate president. >> so president trump is an illegitimate president? >> [laughter] >> you can run the best campaig campaign. you can even become the nominee and you can have the election stolen from you. >> frankly the fbi is weighing in on the election which makes it illegitimate. >> the president-elect is a legitimate. >> we can laugh at the hypocrisy but what coming out with the opponents being a threat to democracy is so divisive. even trump heater rent stevens condemned that when the president makes implicit claim
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to be a small the democrats they must be the big the democrat. the only insults as deplorable's while branding democrats as the sanctimony and condescension. >> when you start believing they are enemies of democracy that is the mindset of the totalitarian one-party state. the reason it is so frightening it can make you justify anything in into silence opposing voices are cover-up on helpful stories about the presidential candidates and corrupt influence peddling operation. the fbi establishment and then to refuse follow up on interviews with witnesses who have first-hand evidence of the presidential candidates
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corrupt influence peddling operation. but why not? if you are the fbi director you have to condone all of this because trump is a threat to our democracy. everyone says so. it is an emergency if you persuade yourself and there is no end to what you can do. if you talk about a climate emergency then you can band the cars they drive or destroy whole industries. if you keep insisting there is a public health emergency you can close businesses and make tiny little kids wear masks all day and close schools and tell people what they can do and where they can go and this is exactly what has happened. we warned about at the start of the pandemic. >> i got a sense of the long-term consequences and the response. we need to watch out for a big government takeover frederick hayek wrote.
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and then we face a similar danger today. >> you can imagine my delight a couple of months ago but i came across at this week. emergencies have always been the pretext the safeguards of individual liberties just as true as in 1973 is offered by frederick kayak. all seat on —- also by tulsi gabbard in joining us now. >> good to see you. steve: you have to recognize that as you do. >> no question about it that's
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why it's saddened and angered me to hear president biden speech. we need a unifying president. someone who will bring our country together and unfortunately what we see from president biden and his administration is the exact opposite. they are pouring fuel on the flames of divisiveness attacking and targeting anyone voting against president biden anyone who disagrees to demonize them and to those who pose a very direct threat to our country. it is clear through his speech and actions and policies he cares more about the freedom of the american people working with big tech in a national security state to keep this stranglehold on power. the end testifies the means and that is their hold on power they are willing to do
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it sadly even if it pushes us closer to a war. >> it is awful to think that on of they realize that they are doing branding their opponents and demonizing them with the name of democracy it seems they are in total denial. kamala harris was also asked today with his fascist remark and she was asked on meet the press "let's not get caught up in politicizing it. unbelievable. then listen to what hillary clinton said today. >> i give president biden a lot of credit for trying to continue to reach out to people while still sounding the alarm about the threats to our democracy.
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steve: reaching out? is she delusional are just in a quick. >> that's a great question. if you give them the benefit of the doubt they are delusional that i am more cynical than that. here is the thing we can have different views on issues and disagree on things this is america and the marketplace of ideas is about. what we must come together around is the fundamental principles enshrined in the constitution dealing with our democracy and freedom of speech to worship as we choose and our right to bear arms and civil liberties and privacy these are things we have to come to gather as americans and if leaders are doing it or not to take a stand exercise our freedom and right to free speech and hold the lin line. steve: you are such a great example of that the way you make your interventions. it is the alone our spirit but
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you find a way to make your points without being divisive. >> it's important and frankly on this day on 9/11 i just want to mention we also must never forget the attack by the jihadist on this day and remember that that ideology that drove the attack continues to be the greatest long-term threat that we face and that faces the world. the same ideology is feeling terrorist groups and others around the world and it is the foundation for the radical islamist governments in countries like pakistan, iran and turkey and saudi arabia and that our shortsighted leaders are ignoring to the peril of the rest of us. steve: while setting great to see you.
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before we begin, i'd like to thank our sponsor, liberty mutual. they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. and by switching, you could even save $652. thank you, liberty mutual. now, contestants ready? go! why? why? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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steve: if the republicans want to do the midterms they don't just count on biden screwing
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it up he is the entire media backing him up. you need an agenda and policy that is what trump had in 2016 throughout the incredibly consequential and administration with the talks of the rallies in the tweets but behind it all was a revolutionary policy message from china on the southern border stopping endless wars bringing back skills training and revitalizing the economy and trumps winning messages of 2016 were actually about policy. when they got there, despite the relentless hounding of the media in the efforts to undermine our democracy all calling trump the illegitimate president all the way through refusing to recognize the election victory despite all of that and more trump persisted. he did deliver his promises so china was confronted the peace
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deals were signed in the middle east. do you know why? in large part thanks to this man jared kushner trash by his own side but through it all steadily helping to get the policy agenda implemented in joining us now, jared congrats on the book the reason it so brilliant it so easy to read you have these short chapters. yours is exactly the opposite. we don't have time to talk all of it so i just want to focus on a couple of things. and then you and the team set off trying to be positive reaching out to hillary clinton and not be the divisive figure he is now being portrayed.
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chelsea clinton was out denying that this week but the detail that he thought his victory speech as drafted was not positive enough. but then he changed it and understood to bring the country together. >> i appreciate the fact it was an easy read. that's what i wanted to do a lot of the political books are boring and then to help you through your time in government that i really want to be a fast read to engage people. but the media focuses on the controversies and investigations but i tried to focus on how we got to the policy keeping gas prices low and two years ago on the anniversary of 9/11 we were celebrating a peace deal that
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they surprise the world and there is a lot of incredible things that got done and i tried to write how he got that done in a hostile environment. steve: those stories time and again this is not how diplomacy works. he just announces something or makes a commitment. but yet that's what makes it happen and that is the point from just in a completely different way from the bureaucracy. >> in the business sector your only rewarded if you achieve results and in government people talk about issues but nothing ever changes in a like to keep issues outstanding and building donations and all these different things. president trump is different running the government like a business ike america was a big corporation he brought in
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outsiders who didn't have public sector experience. i read about what it was like coming to washington in the biggest disadvantage we didn't have the experience but the biggest advantage was we didn't have the experience so how he got the wall built against the opposition and all different aspects that really made the presidency consequential. that's why i thought it was important to write the book to document that time in history the media tried to ignore. steve: last question quickly, one of the sad things is that so much of the opposition what slowed you down was coming from inside. particularly struck by the role of general kelly in general mattis. you do not spare them. >> i tried to show who did what. i go through how things happen in general kelly was not really equipped i read how he tried to manage the president.
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general mattis did a nice job a certain things that was more of a tactical general related to the grand diplomacy but once both of them left the government then trump got the deals done with texaco and the peace deals in the middle east and then with a deal they made with russia and saudi arabia and how that happened in a very chaotic way. president trump is willing to reach out and get things done and despite having people initially understanding what he would try to do but it was a departure from the whole orthodoxy of washington. >> that's why this book is so important because it is very practical it's almost like a diary. it is fantastic so many pages have been turned over it is fantastic thank you for
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writing and i urge everyone. than ♪ allergies don't have to be scary. (screaming) defeat allergy headaches fast with new flonase headache and allergy relief! two pills relieve allergy headache pain? and the congestion that causes it! flonase headache and allergy relief. psst! psst! all good!
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steve: so here's where we are this week in california climate craziness which the democrats brag it will go nationwide because of gavin newsom's leadership we have hot weather and that means more people using air-conditioning to stay cool and to stay alive. but gavin newsom was frantically texting everyone to turn off their air-conditioning because the state was running out of electricity which they blamed on climate change even of the actual data shows there is no increase in the frequency or severity of heat waves.
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is not climate change but the democrats extremist policies which are undermining reliable energy to subsidize unreliable energy. when auntie force everyone to get electric cars. there is no electricity to power the electric cars. and then the fire departments in charge them because he might need to save your life escaping for him wildfires are becoming more frequent. and for years have been for california utilities to divert money instead of maintenance work on the aging equipment. and another brilliant week for the party of science. and one environmental environment environment some it's great to see you. and with that total incoherence but it is very serious what they are doing.
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>> dozens of people die every year from heat wave and there is no need. with the air-conditioning and the care that they normally the elderly and the sick we came close to catastrophic lockouts the governor was forced to respond by keeping the last nuclear plant online but we are burning diesel and jet fuel and kerosene it claims to have environmental justice but they are burning very dirty fuels and poor communities, mostly black and latino communities in california. so they really haven't appreciated how dangerous it has become. steve: even with that reprieve with that carbon free power but and this orthodoxy the
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fantasy that it can all be 100 percent i will put up the tweet from elon musk. so just a few days ago, solar panels ground man mountain rooftop will be civilizations primary source as sure as day follows night. what do you think of that? >> it's important to keep in mind elon musk sells solar panels. and then to debunk the claim over 400 times more land from solar the nuclear. but it doesn't produce power for 24 hours during the day but just when the sun is shining. and those solar panels have been around since the sixties.
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they can produce a much reliable electricity we would have done it already. and then we're on the cusp of blackouts for the last week so with that panacea of what they to be. >> if they don't follow you've already then they should you have the new sub stack. great to see you again michael. i typed in grandma's name and birth year... and there she was, working at the five and dime. my dad's been wondering about his childhood address for 70 years... and i found it in five minutes. ...that little leaf helped me learn all the names from the old neighborhood... it felt like a treasure hunt. the 1950 census adds vivid new detail to your family story. and it's available now on ancestry.
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and save at steve: let's bring in this week's closer. of course it is tammy back with us as promised. , harris went out today with a major interview for what you would expect is the border secure? >> the border is secure. we also had a broken immigration system the last four years before we came in and it needs to be fixed. >> so many are crossing the border for the first time ever your confident it is secure? >> we have a secure border in that it is a priority for any nation including ours and our administration. steve: [laughter]
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i don't know we can probably spend a minute laughing at it that what point would you like to make? >> first of all he was so gentle so gentle to challenge her a tiny bit and that shocked her. she had a brick wall. >> i was right there but the issue becomes on the border she lied that is a lie she knows it's a lie not a misunderstanding or a rhetorical tool it is called a lie. but then she goes back into a word salad it is gibberish. it is not any type of clear framework come if we do think of another issue it is the brain that controls gibberish is the biggest part of her
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brain. and that is a danger for the country and it also signals a complete contempt for the american people and for their own base? you have to lie because what else will you do? and she thinks this will be acceptable i consider any american people know enough they are starting to tune in and their own lives indicate there is a major problem. they know she is lying. steve: it is the contempt there is a problem not the border they are working on it just a flat out lie. a lot of people i saw they said how do they know? steve: it's from the government's own figures. this is a big story i thought.
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>> take for example the issue of choice. how does that relate to the midterms? our president has said, he will not let a filibuster get in the way we have to hold onto the senate. >> the legislative filibuster gone or just on this issue? the president has been clear on this issue and a very important issue in addition which is voting rights. steve: [laughter] here is the new policy the filibuster is gone just for the two issues and the magic number is 52 senate seats? >> may be she thinks she's punching senator manchin and senator sinema in the nose. they have a majority that want to worry about people thinking for themselves or just doing something like senator manchin things to get something out of it. it is a weird statement but that is usually what we get from her.
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i was thinking perhaps anticipating not with the white house that could be that confession because there won't be a democratic leader of the senate to break ties. so this could be the plan but we have seen some comments on twitter it is not a divisive democrat but they are and you see this flailing about that is when the left is most dangerous because they don't care anyway and then they become berserk. [laughter] it is funny and a scary movie way where you are laughing because you know something that will happen. steve: it's a great word. >> as an american what i can
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do since i am talking and i can't shut up is to make sure people have perspective to make sure they have tools in the toolbox because the future matters right now and people in charge you don't care about our future but only. steve: what is hilarious is that protecting our democracy and with a massive constitutional change just because a senator manchin and senator sinema. >> what is interesting chuck todd said to her with september 11 a horrible thing happened to the country. is the threat greater now from within? and she says yes we will protect enemies foreign and domestic. that is the plan to demonize and criminalized 75 million americans not only in
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desperation but dangerous. steve: they are going berserk. the word of the night. thank you for watching the 9/11 story is up next we will see you next weekend when "the next revolution" will be we have been message for you to heighten your cockpit security. today we have had a national tragedy. >> that hit the world trade center has been hijacked. >> an apparent tourist attack terrorist attack on our country but requested of them hit the building. >> holy smokes. >> inc. will not again be the same in nine states of america break. >> who shot the airplane down were not letting anyone go. >> the president said due to a terrorist attack i


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